Friday, 9 August 2013

Belaggles Belay Glasses Review

Designed with the Belayer in mind and used extensively by Rock Climbers world-wide, Belaggles Belay Glasses are made to provide comfort and safety.

By eliminating the need to crane the head back to look upward neck ache becomes a thing of the past.

Also by reducing the need to look upward the chance of eye injury caused by falling debris eliminated all together.

Features Of Belaggles Belay Glasses:

  • Wide View Lenses - A clear, wide view of the rock face
  • Crystal Clear Clarity - No loss of detail
  • Comfortable Nose Caps - Comfortable to wear for extended periods
  • Peripheral View - Easy to view either side
  • Curved Lenses - A distortion free view
  • Retainer Eyelets - To keep them secure
  • Single Hand Operation - Safely remove or replace them without releasing your grip
  • Durable Frame - For a long life of use
  • Choice of five colors - Easy to tell which is yours

Belaggles Belay Glasses are available in these colors: 

Bright Green Belaggles Belay Glasses
Bright Green

Cerulean Blue Belaggles Belay Glasses
Cerulean Blue

Lemon Yellow Belaggles Belay Glasses
Lemon Yellow

Lemon Yellow Belaggles Belay Glasses
Carbon Black

Hot Pink Belaggles Belay Glasses
Hot Pink

More information on Belaggles Belay Glasses along with current pricing is available here.

Belay Glasses Review

Belay Glasses are a form of Prism Spectacle designed especially for Rock Climbers.

Their main benefit is enabling the climber see the rock face above their head without having to crane their head back.

Climbers will, no doubt, know of the condition known as 'Belayer's Neck' which can be very uncomfortable and even quite painful in severe cases.

Because Belay Glasses allow the wearer to look straight ahead, but see upward without lifting the head up, this often painful affliction is virtually eliminated. 

They also help prevent injury to the eyes caused by falling dust and other material can get into the climber's eyes when they look upward.

So they not only help keep the belayer safe from falling debris they also help prevent neck ache. As we say 'A comfortable belay makes for a safe belay.'